Parent Resources » Parent - Student - Teacher Compact

Parent - Student - Teacher Compact

2023-24 Parent - Student- Teacher Compact Madisonville Primary School 
We at the Madisonville Primary School, are committed to providing the best education possible for each of our students.  It is our goal to give every child the opportunity to reach his/her full potential in intellectual, emotional and physical growth.  We know that learning can take place if there is a combination effort, interest and motivation on the part of the school, the home and the community, working together toward that end. This compact is a voluntary agreement and a promise of commitment to help your child's progress in school, promoting his/her achievement. We believe that this agreement can be fulfilled through our team effort.
As a student I agree to:
Attend school regularly unless I am sick
Try to do my best in all that I do in my school work
Try to do my best in following the school rules
Respect and cooperate with other students and adults
Not be afraid to ask for help when I need it
Complete all my assignments on time-class work as well as on time-class work as well as homework
As a parent I agree to:
Encourage good study habits at home
Keep the lines of communication open to my child and the school
Help my child to resolve conflicts in a positive way
Limit and monitor my child's time using electronic devices.
Show support for my child and the school staff and respect cultural differences
Contact my child's teacher as soon as a concern arises to prevent from distracting the learning process
As a teacher I agree to:
Provide an environment conductive to learning
Use methods and techniques that work best for my class
Communicate effectively with my students and their parents
Provide information to the parent and the student on the student's progress through the use of report cards, conferences, phone calls, notes/letters
Help each student grow to his/her fullest potential
As a team we can work together to carry out this agreement.